Friday, December 31, 2010

The Liberating Ashtray

                        The Liberating Ashtray

Cognition's final breath
Into the night
Of a thousand dreams,
Where you would throw
All bad memories
Out the painful door of lust,
Out the window of desire,
Into the nullified streets,
And call upon the head’s final role,
In this night’s terror
Between the evaporated sheets,
Of sweat and
The smell of victory,
Trampled upon by
This coming storm,
Holding onto your terraforming hands,
You coughed in dignity,
Putting out the last of your nicotine,
Inhaling the smoke
Off love’s last heaving;
Of stimulated breathing,
Of endless days
Sitting in the shade,
From the fierce dark winds,
Blowing your hair although covered,
With a felt hat,
And you wore a smoking jacket,
Filtering out,
The dying suction
Of a thousand tiny stars,
Pulling you to them,
Away from it all,
Into the finality of life’s rich
Pageantry of death,
Wrapped in a folding suitcase
Headed for Heaven’s gate,
Stinging the bee’s grave,
Embers from the last smoke
Burn in your memory,
Like his jumping mind’s thoughts,
Here to there,
Back again,
All tied to a string of incontinence;
An affectation controlled
Through a hole in your veneer,
Wearing thin,
And cracking,
With devices of betrayal,
Hitched up
With him, holding you close,
Waiting in the wind,
Seeing you there,
Smoking jacket in hand,
Worshiping him:
His longings, his kiss,
The purple majesties beyond
His frail thoughtful head,
Unlike yours,
Hardened from carbon monoxide,
And dreary from the insensitivity
Of last night’s embrace,
Near the fire,
The burning fire,
Welcoming fire,
Conflagration of numbness,
Peeling off your thin skin,
Revealing lungs of silver,
Gold with iron fillings,
To melt into cancer,
In time,
In time with the saddest,
Song of reckoning,
For the beckoning of heat,
To light the final cigarette,
And blow out a gust of smoke
While the birds
Look down and laugh at you;
While the worms
Crawl out of your

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Scholastic Songs of Discovery

Scholastic Songs of Discovery

Songs that filled her with life,
Music beyond the furious strife,
To set the motions free,
To heal with the wounded knife,
So we may finally see,
The mountains through the mist,
Of histories finest forsaken myth,
That the churning of the soul is real,
To cut forth dimensions in time to kneel,
Kindling the hope of lesser riffs,
Through the lonely world of music,
You’ve cast aside like a gem,
Held tight in a ring
You’ve never given him.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

And a happy new year

Reality was always a masquerade in my chided head, sometimes filled with charged affect and colors, yet the futility of grey had always been lingering in the background. My mind was filled with craters of experimental wanderings around in the chemical forests, searching for wild game to distract me from my already malleable consciousness. Every day felt different for a while, but now, nothing but the self-less autonomy of someone else’s thoughts burned through my cortex and filled the room with bending walls and animal faces on the carpet. I don’t feel like myself anymore with my mask and my desire to leave this exiled land, while all along, the chorus of the gods shine through from the heavens defending my existence.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Christina Empedocles

Conversation Fear

 A loquacious day, talking for hours
 Bends the hands forward,
 By the clock’s lonely tower;
 So we unsheathed our verbal sword,
 Following the words slowly poured,
 Into our minds, into our heart,
 Falling for nothing now,
 Cupidity’s poison dart.

Not speaking of anything,
Hands all aside,
Our mouths nearly frothing
The bantering tide,
Was all we have now,
Just fear, the less jarred,
Falling for ages,
Handed to us addled
The unctuous life paddled,
Through the searing talking pages.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Saturday, December 11, 2010


Those feelings she’d taken on, seemed to have shut the door of utter caring for a broken world, a cracked shiver in time and hid away in the closet of clouded desire. Nothingness, everything: the common feelings of us all relinquished in greys so fragmented, so disjointed that they seemed to never be put back together; and when Sarah’s time of resting place took hold of her, through a looking glass, she see saw herself far in the future—but being reeled closer as if by a fishing line of emotion—she could not help but hear the loud voices threatening her for her to be held hostage to play a game of chance; a radiating chess game—the opening her choice, the endgame a decision told by fate. And still, she smiled when she walked. She talked so suddenly, so immaculately clear. It seemed as though, at times, she were a Greek orator, speaking loudly among the minions hungry for truth; stuck in the famine of feeling all the penny’s worth spent on the candy of love, to shine for a moment, to dull in the next as it is passed from one slave to another, barely reaching the citizens of fate. But there it was, over distant irritating hills, her destiny as she would know it, crouched in pensively morose waiting, holding its breath until the time of clarity crawlingly came to sweep her away into some other sphere of caring, of kneading the enhancements of reality again—the deepest blacks, the brightest hues of white. To see the beauty in outer colors of the spectrum bursting through the emotional door of feeling, for just a moment in time. To encounter the infinity of him