Saturday, March 6, 2010

meaningless pleasures

Your oasis waits for you, beckoning
For you to come along, join the skeletons
Dancing inside your head, your diseased head,
Filled with vertebra longings for a sordid dream,
The loquacious mumbling ghosts within—
A sullen victory of the senses, to leave, leave it all behind,
To the end of the world, deadly and smarter, faster and slow,
Again you falter when they mention the words of above,
To crash your opium den of fools, singing along with the range
Of stars, the heavenly music of the spheres chiming
In the conversation like a rugged piece of cloth, brittle
But sturdy, fragile but strong.

Do you not see?
The aquarium thoughts you’ve felt creep under your felt skin,
Do you not see?
The aural pleasures of a future dark and dreary as the day
Of your wedding, when all went as planned, and all was lost to
The raging storm of havoc, surprising the bride with the empire
Of your own fabrications, so now, where do you go?
What do you not see?
The sea’s waves shimmer and shine, while skeletons
Dry in a closeted sandy dune.

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