Thursday, May 6, 2010

a time for penitence

The time for penitence is nearing completion,
As we walk side by side with the devil;
The mission these days is to harm the harmless,
To bury the past and remember nothing,
Nothing but the burning, the fiery mercurial temperaments
Of the beast, smacking his lips at this chaotic mess,
We call the world, our home, inside and out of the houses
The lamb lays down to be sacrificed in someone’s bed,
Thrashing and churning with passion, deceived
By the love for flesh, eating its way inside your
Eviscerated guts, holding the torch to sear your

The only answer in this world is death,
Sweet morbidity swirling around in your head,
Passing the baton to the girl you’d wished you’d meet,
But as the years pass, and the threat of living
A life full of surprise, desire, hope,
Is dashed like fingernails to a chalkboard.

The games we play,
The solace with find in books
Are our only friend now, silence,
Listening to the voices betray you,
Beckoning from the hills of consciousness,
To follow the leader into the forest,
Away from the madness on the surface,
When the flat earth tribe of fools race onward,
With your heart and with your sense of love.

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