Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Ptomaine extraterrestrial

“In my beginning is my end.”

--T.S. Eliot, East Coker

Credi in UFO’s?

Her immediacy to resist death,

And the recalcitrant fight to submerge in life,

Reminds us not of a battle, but a raging pacifism,

Caught up in the filigree of atomized consciousness,

Left to breed among the Moline crosses of an

Abandoned church falling to the lamented ground by the

Absence of belief.

So afterwards, the drinks sparkled in their own bioluminescence,

As if a parasitic tick was feeding upon our livers, shinning without

The light of the anachronistic human race, but producing its

Own malevolent illumination to cover her resistance with the

Hinting thoughts of her dying against the meaninglessness of a

Nihilistic dawn with the presence of alien abstraction, and the wounding of time’s

linear progression into significance.

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