Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Assuming Statuesque Positions

And the external shrinks into less and less. Where once an enduring
House was, now a cerebral structure, completely belonging to the realm
Of concepts, as though it still stood in the brain.
---Rilke “Seventh Duino Elegy”

The sky opened up like her lubricated mind,
Alive with no one to blame; hidden away in a
Labyrinthine cabinet of fear, longing for a release: the
Elixirs and sullen loneliness could never bring,
Aside from the desire and zealous craze for belonging
In someone’s frail arms, in someone’s weak brain,
Trailing like LSD, spinning like mescaline, drifting
Like the sad story of her life.

When she met him it was a shower of fireworks,
As they first made love in the forest, sensing
The familiar twinge of ecstasy, revealing the insides
Of her eviscerated lust for another purpose—to hide away
In the throes of desire, feeling the sickness of the poison spinning
Faster and faster—holding him was a joke, forgotten and awake
With ptomaine disaster, while the sea swept the sands like
The wake of a smile, dull but luminescent, frightening yet amiable,
And tame.

The ravens sparked
The mystery of her moving in and out of the tragic romance drifting
Like a glacier, distant and cold. The dream would never end. The agony
Of talented delusion petrified her glowing brain until all was left and done:
The finality of a decision pointing westward into the setting sunset,
Where she would meet her final escape

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