Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The neologisms of addiction

That’s what I mean. There’s been a pass over me. I’ve been passed over.
--Schizophrenic patient

The slurred tongues of an addict could be heard
By all those running through the fields, holding onto
The thought of laying their arms down on Earth’s filthy floor
Where nothing breathes aside from the junky’s torn-hearted lungs.

To remain and stay inside this cavern of addiction held her closer
Than ever, tasting the flavors of reality swirling like a whirlpool
Pulling her downward into the depths of the ocean’s bottom,
Where all the aquatic creatures helped her spread her wings
And soar beyond the frightening threats of the world.

Heroin became his life as he made his big decision to fade silently
Into the loudest of nights, when the fires burned in the forest of hate,
Purification and mercy of feeding on the innards of loneliness,
When everyone says to stay away from her, he bends his arms to
Reach for her, saying that she cannot be called forth into the streams
Of thought, but instead lingers along with the beauty of intoxication.

Halloween said it all; demons crawling in the night in search of
The dreamer’s eyes staring waiting for the time to rob them of
All the nightmares of shadows on the walls of consciousness.

All to feel
All to feel again.

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