Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Secured in Disgrace

The tenderness of the music played all night:
Permitting the intergalactic space-time to separate
The malevolent from the fierce beauty of sublimity,
And I stood wondering if his lucid dream emanated
From my future seeking ability of prescience against
The raging inferno of understanding and the elliptical
Movements of the sallow light of the planets,
And my hallowed mind was seeking all that was left behind
By the closed-fisted battle cry inside the politics of emotions,
Some never went away, but all had a tendency to disappear
For a frightening moment or two when I could feel nothing,
Just stood and stared in the gentle music I could almost
Touch, almost receive as my new gospel of symbolic words
Took command of the night---the inordinate discordance
Of peacefulness lighting the way through the tunnel of mercy,
And betrayal of designs held to the sky to reveal the transposed
Transparencies of a discounted militia handing out stars into
My leprous hands.

Lost in disillusion takes the backseat of finding one in confusion,
I kept telling myself, trying to help her understand what feral
Emotions are, but as she walked away I suddenly felt the pain of
Losing all of my humanity with the snap of my fingers, but
I tried to tell a story of my pallid life amidst the most holy of cities
Hidden in my imagination where the colorful images seem to
Bloom once again: the desire of a rapturous communion,
One to hold against the transparencies, where we put our heads together,
And erased the peculiarity of distances, listing to the music from
Underneath the souvenir I found that night.

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